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The first major advancement in decades of skin treatments for the face, Renuvion is a new and effective nonsurgical option for smoothing and contracting the skin — all in one procedure. This is Facial Renewal.

During the procedure, helium plasma energy is applied to a very thin layer of skin.

Renuvion model

what can renewal do for you?

- Smooths and contracts the skin in one procedure.

- Dramatically reduces deep wrinkles and rhytides with a high level of patient satisfaction.

- Directly treats the skin, providing a smooth, radiant look — without cutting.

- Provides a healthy and natural look, with patients stating, “it’s like rewinding the clock.”


renuvion facial renewal at holland plastic surgery

Dr. Holland performing renuvion facial renewal

Watch Dr. Holland perform the Facial Renewal procedure here.

Renuvion Facial Renewal downtime video here.

*Real Holland Plastic Surgery patient. Individual results and experience may vary.




*Please note: Healing from Renuvion Facial Renewal requires a minimum of 14 days after the procedure. Patients need to follow strict post instructions to ensure an infection does not occur. A consultation with Dr. Holland is required to determine if this treatment is best for you. The post instructions can be found here.

Your questions answered

Q. How do I know if Renuvion Facial Renewal is right for me?

A. Renuvion is a non-surgical option for reducing wrinkles and rhytides. But it’s not for everybody. This procedure is not recommended for patients with darker skin tones and requires recovery time. Dr. Holland will talk to you about your goals, your lifestyle, and whether Renuvion is the right option for you.

Q. Will I be asleep for the procedure?

A. You will not be alseep for the procedure, but Dr. Holland will provide you with medication, local anesthetic and nerve blocks to ensure your comfort during the procedure. You will need a driver to take you home for your procedure.

Q. How long is the recovery time?

A. The healing process typically takes about two weeks, but for certain individuals it could last longer. As with all procedures, individual results may vary.

Q. What should I expect during the recovery period?

A. As your face heals, you should expect redness, peeling, and some swelling. Our team will share photos of other patients during their recovery and explain in detail how to take care of your skin while it heals. For full information on the risks of this procedure, please review the pre and post procedure instructions.

*Disclaimer: Individual results and experience may vary.